Vapor Pressure - Crude, Gasoline, Jet Fuel & LPG
- Smallest sample Size -1 mL
- Highest Pricision and Accuracy
- Fast Response - 5 Minutes
- 10" Colour Touch Screen
- No Sample Preparation Necessary
- Automatic Report in PDF
- Widest Pressure Range (0-290 psi)
- Shock Proof & Vibration Resistant Portable Design - Use by the US Military
- Crude Oil & LPG Package

Complies to ASTM
- D6377 (Crude)
- D6897 (LPG)
- D 378, D5188, D5191, EN13016
Correlates to
- D323 (Gasoline/Crude)
- D1267
- D4953
Fuel Analysis - Gasoline, Diesel & Jet Fuel
- FT-IR Spectrometer
- Smallest Sample Size - 25 mL
- Highest Precision and Accuracy
- Fast Response - 80 seconds
- 10" Colour Touch Screen
- No Sample Preparation Necessary
- Automatic Report in PDF
- Shock Proof & Vibration Resistant Portable Design - Use by the US Military

FUEL PARAMETERS: Oxygenates (ASTM D5845). Aromatics. PNA and Benzene (D6277. EN 238). Biodiesel (FAME) Content (EN 14078. D7806) Octane Booster and Cetane Improver Anilines Total Aromatics, Olefins, Saturates, Oxygen
FUEL PARAMETERS: Octane Number: RON, MON, AKI, Cetane Number, Cetane Index, Distillation and Vapor Pressure, Driveability, Vapor Lock, and VOC Analysis Built-In Temperature Regulated Density Jet Fuel: Flash-, Smoke-, Freezing Point. etc.
Distillation - Gasoline, Diesel & Jet Fuel
- Smallest Sample Size - 6 mL
- Highest Precision and Accuracy, Excellent Repeatability
- Fast Response - 15 to 18 Minutes
- Disposable Sample Cups - no Fragile and expensive glassware
- Temperature Range - 0 to 400°C / 32 to 753°F
- No Sample Preparation Necessary
- Automatic Report in PDF
- Shock Proof & Vibration Resistant Portable Design - Use by the US Military
- True atmospheric distillation like D86, but smaller at 1/4 footprit of D86 units
- ASTM Standard D7344
- Automatically calculating ASTM D86 reports

Flashpoint - Gasoline, Diesel, Jet Fuel & Chemicals
- Smallest Sample Size - 1 mL (ASTM D6450) or 2 mL (ASTM D7094)
- Highest Precision and Accuracy
- Fast Response - Up to 12 samples/hr
- 8.4" Colour Touch Screen
- No Sample Preparation Necessary
- Automatic Report in PDF
- Shock Proof & Vibration Resistant Portable Design - Use by the US Military
- Widest Temp. Range - 0 to 400°C (32 to 752°F)
- Crude Oil & LPG Package
FUEL SPECIFICATIONS: D7094: ASTM D396, D975, D2880, D3699 (Diesel); D7467 (B6-B20) D6450: ASTM D6751 (B100)